Mike was proud of his progress with the weights and strength building program that Billy had insisted he follow on their visits to the 'Y'. Even while Billy had been away at the gymnastic camp, Mike religiously biked down to the gym three times a week. Now that Billy had returned, they were workout partners again. "Hey, buddy, lookin' good," Billy said as Mike was working 20-pound hand weights. "Your biceps are really bulked out." "This is my third set of reps. You're really pushin' me." Mike looked at himself in the wall of mirrors and was pleased at the results. Man, I'm really filling out my old T-shirt. "No pain, no gain." Billy smiled at Mike and gave him a thumbs-up. "No kidding," Mike grunted as he finished the last set. "That's about it for me. You want me to spot you?" "Naw, today was legs and I've about had it. You wanna come home for a snack? There are some fresh chocolate chip cookies." Billy grinned and adjusted his tank top. "That's my man. Some good eats as my reward," Mike said with a grin. He playfully slapped Billy on the shoulder and continued, "I don't have to be home until four." Mike couldn't help but admire Billy's abs, prominently displayed beneath the thin, tight, ribbed material of his top. "Let's do it. Maybe we can play a few games on that cool math website. It's only 2:15." "If ya don't mind me whippin' your sorry ass," Mike replied with a chuckle. "Screw you, Einstein." Billy gave him the finger, to which Mike responded with the same. Billy and Mike went back to the locker room laughing, retrieved their backpacks and headed outside to the bike rack. They pedaled back to Billy's house and entered the kitchen ten minutes later. It was a good stopping off spot for Mike; his house was only a mile further up the road. "Where's your mom?" Mike asked as he took off his backpack and sat down. "This is her bridge day." Billy opened the fridge and grabbed the milk. The cookies were on the kitchen table in a glass-covered dish. "She won't be back until five." "I'll eat just a couple of cookies. Grandma is coming over tonight to cook dinner. She'll really have a cow if I don't clean my plate." "Same here, but we're going out for dinner. In fact, maybe to your dad's place. I love the food at El Rancho." Billy set down two glasses and the milk before flopping into a chair. He poured the milk and lifted the dish cover. They both rapidly reached in for cookies. "Let me know and I'll call Dad so you guys'll get a little VIP treatment." Mike winked, took a huge bite of a cookie and washed it down with milk. "Thanks, Mike. I'll call you at your house if they decide to go there." The guys continued to inhale the remainder of their cookie limit. They both belched at the same time and that set off a round of giggles. "You wanna check out the Internet?" Billy asked. "Cool, math games here we come," Mike replied. "Lead the way, my man. . .who's about to get his balls crunched by my superior talents." "Ain't happenin', asshole. Back to my dungeon." Billy nodded for Mike to follow him. Mike had always been a little envious that his friend had a TV and a PC in his bedroom. "Let's fire this puppy up," Billy said as he pushed the 'on' button. Turning, he put his nose close to his armpits. "Phew, do I smell big time. I gotta loose the top." Billy slowly took off his tank top and tossed it aside. The big 'Windows 7' logo came on the screen and signaled that everything was warmed up. "Man, I'm impressed that your 'puter is up so fast. Ours at home takes forever to open." Mike was only vaguely aware that Billy was shirtless and had toed off his shoes. "Just got it. Mega giga bytes and memory. And with the cable modem, I've got instant downloading. Here check out this site." Billy clicked on the 'E' Internet Explorer logo and the Discovery website came up. "Cool. I love Discovery." "Wait a sec, bud. Check this out." Billy hit his 'favorites' and before a few seconds passed a new screen popped up. "Um, Campus Pussy? Hey, dude, what's that?" Mike was a little taken aback that the screen was suddenly filled with hot chicks showing everything. "Welcome to my world of porn," Billy replied proudly. "Porn? Whew . . . Jesus H. Christ, this is wild." Mike stood with his mouth gaping as Billy flicked through the site. Mike could feel his body tingling with excitement. "Oh, yeah," Billy said with a laugh. "It's obvious that you're interested." "I, I've never seen this stuff before. Dad's got some serious blocks on our Internet at home." Mike's eyes popped even larger when suddenly two gals were joined by three men, all nude and sporting big, hard boners. He was aware that his own dick was starting to stir. "Whoa, those guys are hung like horses." "Yeah, I think ya need special assets to star in one of these things." "Well, they make me feel like a midget," Mike replied. "Hey, we're still growing. Those guys are adults." Billy started rubbing his tented crotch and clicked on a few other pictures. "Well, enjoy." "This is hot." Mike was intrigued with the two gals fingering each other. So that's what a girl looks like down there and where you put it. Like Billy, he started semi-consciously rubbing his hard-on. "Ya wanna jerk a little?" Billy asked with a leer. "Looks like we're both getting turned on." "Got some stuff?" "Lose the shorts and tee while I get the lotion." Billy trotted over to his bathroom and Mike peeled away his workout clothes. "Friggin' A," Mike said as he started pinching his nipples and fondling his balls. These gals are fantastic. To him the men were just a curiosity that faded away after the initial shock. "Look at Mikey," Billy said as he returned, butt naked. "I can tell the pictures turn you on." He squeezed some lotion in his hand and passed on the bottle. "Yeah, right. Like you're not turned on, too, shithead," Mike said with a wink. He noticed that Billy's monster was pointing to the ceiling. "I think that peter of yours has grown this summer." "I think we're both doin' okay." Billy grinned and applied the lotion while looking at Mike. "Those girls are awesome." Mike took the bottle and poured lotion directly onto his erection. Without missing a beat, he coated it while watching the screen. "Check out the next pictures. Aren't the guys something else?" Billy asked as he started stroking. "Hmmm," was all Mike could utter as he slowly followed Billy's lead. He did register that Billy seemed to be focusing on the men as both guys started to accelerate their hands. "Can I help you out?" Billy asked as he reached out and grabbed Mike's lube-coated hard-on. "Hey, you got enough to take care of," Mike said rather abruptly, as he moved Billy's hand away. "Let's just take care of ourselves." "Okay, okay." Billy looked concerned but continued to stroke. The movements became faster and Billy kept clicking on new images. "Man, I'm getting there." Mike sat down on the end of the bed and lay back. With his tensed, muscled legs spread apart and his feet anchored on the floor, Mike pounded furiously as he fantasized about the nude women on the screen. "Me, too," Billy yelled as he grabbed a towel. "Oh, mother . ." He started shooting into the towel. "Ohhh, ahhh," Mike screamed. His dick was pointed up at his torso and the first load landed squarely on his mouth and chin. Several volleys followed, finding a home on his sculpted young chest and abs. Slowly both guys stopped stroking. "You're covered with jizz," Billy said with a chuckle. He laughed even harder when Mike licked the mess from his lips. "Bull crap," Mike said with mock indignation. "Don't tell me that you've never tasted your stuff." "Okay. Fair enough. Here," Billy said as he tossed the towel, "wipe yourself off with this." "Thanks. I am kinda messy." Mike took care of himself and stood up. He wasn't sure what to do with the towel, so he just handed it back to Billy. I guess we both have souvenirs on that towel that need to be cleaned off. "I'm going to do laundry after you leave. What'd you think about the porn?" Billy took the towel and tossed it into the bathroom. "I think that I've been spoiled. Unfortunately, I can't check out this stuff at home." Mike shrugged with a 'that's the way it is' look. He found his shorts and put them back on. "You can come over here anytime," Billy said. They both laughed at his unintended double meaning. "Listen, how about a Coke before I leave?" "Sure. Let me get my shorts on and we'll go back to the kitchen." Billy put on his gym trunks and Mike covered himself with his sweaty tee, then they made their way back to the kitchen. "That was quite a workout back there." Billy went to the fridge and got two Diet Cokes. "Thanks," Mike said. He popped the top and sat down. "Okay if we talk?" "What's on your mind, big guy?" "Let me have my say and get everything out before you say anything. That work for you?" "Yeah." Billy had an uncertain look on his face. "We've become really good friends. An' I want us to continue to be…friends. I gotta tell you that what I saw and experienced in your room was hot. I've never seen girls like that…ever. But I also think that different things were turning us on. I could be mistaken but it seems that you were more turned on checking out the guys." "Wha . . ." ". . . Let me finish. I'm cool if you're gay or sumpin' like that. If that's the way it is, go for it. I'm just not made that way." Mike took a sip and looked at his friend. Billy's eyes were large and showed fear. "I'm not gay. I just got carried away. . .you know? Like it takes two to tango." "Billy? We're tight and I think I read you pretty true." "I . . . oh, crap . . . you're not going to hate me, are you?" Billy blurted out. "No, I'm not going to hate you. I'm really okay with your liking guys, if that's what the deal is." Mike took Billy's hand and squeezed it. "We've become good buds." Billy was trembling as he looked at Mike. "One of the first real pals I've had. I just don't want to lose you because . . ." ". . . Billy, let me try this one more time. First, you gotta understand that I don't give a shit if you're batting for the other team. But please be very clear that I'm not on that team. So save your energy." "Busted," Billy said in a small voice. "I'm scared, Mike. That I like other guys is something I've been holding inside for the past couple of years and it isn't some sort of phase. I know it's wrong and dangerous but that's the way it is. And I've got to deal with those assholes at school this fall." "Just so you know, I don't think it's wrong . . . you digging dudes. It's just how you're wired." Mike paused for a moment. "My dad told me, in one of those father-son talks, that being gay isn't a choice. . .that a person's born that way. But, yeah, I agree that you've got to be kinda careful about who you come on to. Next time we're together I'll let you in on a little secret. In the meantime, I want us to continue to be friends. Just know that I really dig girls and I hope that you find a boyfriend. You deserve it." Mike finished his Coke and stood up. "Friends then?" Billy stood and walked up to Mike. "Absolutely." Mike opened his arms and welcomed a hug. "And I wouldn't mind checking out the Internet with you again . . . soon," he said with a knowing snicker. "Just so you know the ground rules. I can watch the gals while you do your thing." "Understand," Billy said bashfully. "I'll find something we can both enjoy." "Deal. By the way, would you mind if I told my dad about our conversation, but only that? He's very gay-friendly cuz of his work and such, and it might not be a bad idea for you to have an adult in your corner." Billy frowned. "Are you sure about this? I'm not ready to come out to my folks." "Only if you're okay with it. Dad would be great as a sounding board for questions about everything." "I suppose that wouldn't hurt. I trust you and an adult helping me figure out things would really be helpful." "And if anyone gives you any shit at school next month, I gotta good feeling that you'll be able to kick ass big time." "Hope it doesn't come to that," Billy replied, "but I think I'm ready with a few surprises for those guys who think I'm chopped meat for them to bully." "I'll talk to you tomorrow." Mike left a little wiser and much less innocent. * * * Labor Day weekend was arriving and the summer season was coming to a close. Eric got Mike enrolled in middle school and set up a routine to get him off to the bus on weekday mornings. Eric and Brian had begun planning on the 'big move' almost immediately after Mike gave them his blessing. Because his son would need the den for studying as much as it being the 'flop' room for TV watching, Eric decided to turn the remaining bedroom into an office and personal retreat for Brian. The only stipulation that Brian made was that he wanted to pay for any improvements and furniture. The first decisions as a couple were the carpet, paint colors and furnishings for the office. A few pieces would be moved from Brian's apartment, along with some artwork that would fit nicely into the living room and office. "I'm sure having this new carpet installed first was ass-backwards," Brian said as he took the roller and absorbed paint from the pan. "Timing's everything. You and I were working and the carpet had to be laid before we could get to the painting. The drop cloths should do the trick, catching any spills." Both guys were stripped down to their shorts and shared dribbles of paint on their bodies. "I guess this is why they made Sunday, hon. I figure we can get finished before two and check out the Chargers game. When is Mike going to be home?" Brian asked as he rolled a coat of taupe color on the wall. Eric was using a brush to do the detail work. "He and Billy are over at George's house. They're working on some science project they came up with themselves. I get the feeling that Mike and Billy are the driving force and George is just along for the ride. But that's what friends are for." "Interesting mix of friends Mike's making. If the birthday party was any indication, he's going to be one popular dude in school." "The healing process worked, Brian. I occasionally see him with a far away look. but just for a few moments. Then he snaps back. We've had some good talks and he really feels comfortable with both of us." "Our nuclear family. I get the same feeling and I'm proud that he'll occasionally call me 'Pops' when we're alone." "I know that we're doing okay when he shares with me confidences about his friends. By the way, the other day Mike mentioned that Billy came out to him." "Really?" Brian replied as he stopped for a moment. Eric and Brian both shrugged and returned to their task. "He didn't exactly say how this all transpired. Just that he urged Billy to be honest with him and that Mike planned on being friends with him no matter what. I get the feeling that Billy is only out to Mike and maybe George. That little stud will probably become a jock gymnast, which should confuse the issue." "From everything you hear about teenagers and the cruelty that some junior homophobes inflict by confronting gay boys, I'd say Billy is lucky to have Mike for a friend," Brian added, nodding his head. "Yeah, Mike's solid. And the way Billy's developing his body and karate skills, I'd say that he could kick the shit out of most guys if they gave him any grief. The kid has become very proficient in karate,I'm told." "There you go; a gay jock and an ass-kicker rolled into one," Brian added with a chuckle. "He wanted to know if we had any problem with him telling Billy about his two gay dads," Eric stopped his paintbrush and turned to admire Brian. "He'd like to invite Billy over to dinner some Sunday. I guess that Mike would like us to be available for advice sometime in the near future." "No problem whatsoever. How's his home life?" "Pretty good. I know his dad but he's always traveling. The woman you met is wife number two. Billy's real mom is up in Seattle. From what Mike says, I guess they all get along but Billy doesn't want to risk telling them. At least not yet." "Yep. Fly under the radar until you fly out of the nest." Brian said as he started painting. "Been there, done that. It would be neat if Billy could figure out how to come out to his parents though. That I've-got-a-secret shit is real ugly baggage." "I think it's generally getting better but it's still got a long way to go. Maybe by the time their generation has kids it'll be okay to be different from everyone else." "Ouch, Mike married with kids. Don't rush it. I haven't even moved in yet and all of a sudden I'm a potential grand pop." Brian turned to Eric and grinned. "Let's finish this painting and I'll pop you, old man." Eric said lustfully. "How domestic. Home chores, football and a fuck." "But not in that order. Let's take a break," Eric said. He walked over, slapped his lover on the butt and moved in for a big, sloppy, wet kiss. * * * Earl Warren Middle School, Solana Beach's molder of minds for students in the seventh and eighth grades, was located down the hill from Mike's home, across the I-5. The three friends waited at the corner with several others for the bus to pick them up, each dressed in variations of a tee, shorts, sneakers and backpack. George was busy texting, Billy was listening to his iPod and Mike was feeling a little nervous about this big day. Yesterday, they'd gone through the seventh grader orientation, been assigned homerooms and lockers and issued student I.D.s. Today was the first full day of school. Mike politely said 'hi' to some other neighborhood kids but was introspective on this sunny morning. His mind tripped back to Richmond and the pals he'd left behind; and a more conventional home life that'd included his mom. That was then, this is now. I'm so lucky to have Dad and Brian in my life, along with and my two buddies. The big yellow bus pulled up to the curb and the students boarded. In the bench seat at the rear Mike noticed three boys who appeared to be slightly older. Must be eighth graders. A look at Billy's expression - surprise mixed with hatred - was enough for Mike to realize that these guys were the ones who'd made life miserable for his friend. Fortunately, there were open seats near the front and Mike suggested that George and Billy sit there with him. The door closed and the bus moved on. Mike nudged Billy to pull out his earplugs. "I'm getting bad vibes about those dudes in the back and I noticed that you don't seem too happy about their presence. What's up?" "Very perceptive, Sherlock. The leader of those ass-wipes is the big blond guy in the center. Matt, or Big Mattie, is his name and he's the leader. I haven't seen them much this summer . . . but it was still too often for me. Fortunately, the last couple of times were in places like the mall and the movies where I could get lost real quick." "Maybe they've gotten past the bullying crap, you think?" "I wish you were right. But I saw their expressions when we got on . . . it was like an animal seeing raw meat. This might be a bad day at the O-K corral if you know what I mean." "There are three of us." Mike looked over at George busily texting. "Well, maybe George isn't a powerhouse in the fighting department, but I can certainly back you up from what I've learned this summer. A hard shoe toe in the nuts is enough to neutralize a guy if push comes to shove." "I hope I'm wrong but keep that crotch kick open as an option." Minutes later, the bus arrived in front of Earl Warren Middle School. Mike, Billy and George exited from the front and started walking towards the school building. Mike realized that the laughter he heard behind him was coming from Matt and his friends. He turned slightly and was concerned when he noticed that those guys were gaining on them. I think they're intentionally walking faster. "Guys, don't look back," Mike said, "but Big Mattie and his posse are following us real fast. Billy, have you got some inspiration on how we handle this?" "When I countdown to three, we stop and turn around. Matt's my job to handle and you two see if you can hold his buddies at bay." "Crap, I really don't know how to fight," George replied. "Not a problem. You pick the smallest one and just distract him. Mike, I'm depending on you to watch the other dude. He's tall but a real pussy if Matt's not around." "I've got you covered." Mike quietly went over the various karate moves and psyched himself into a defensive mode. "On three. One, two, three . . . et's do it." Billy braked and did a perfect one hundred eighty pivot. With barely a two second delay, Mike and George duplicated the move. Other students, sensing possible friction, paused and watched as Matt and his crew approached. Murmurs of comment buzzed through the air until Matt stopped a few feet in front of Billy. A staredown - one on one, four feet apart, with each possee on the other side of an invisible line - caused silence in the growing crowd. Mike homed in on his guy with a steely gaze. Well, someone's ass is going to get kicked. I just hope Billy's right about this dude being a pussy. "Well, if it isn't that little faggot who keeps getting in my face," Matt said. "Outta my way or you eat dirt." "From what I hear, you're the one who likes to lick dick, Big Mattie." Billy planted his feet in position, released his backpack and balled his fists. "You really want to start school this way?" "Listen to this turd." Matt's nostrils flared and he continued, "Let's wipe up these fairy assholes." Matt and the other two boys tentatively stepped forward. Immediately Billy pivoted and landed a karate kick in the center of Matt's upper stomach. Matt staggered with an expression of puzzlement and pain. Billy followed with a punch to Matt's face with the palm of his right hand and a chop in Matt's kidney area with his left hand. Mike was momentarily occupied with his guy who wasn't so sure of this fight as soon as he saw his leader take the first blow in the stomach. Mike moved forward and broadly 'bitch-slapped' his opponent to get his attention. It did. The kid immediately backed away and melted into the crowd. George's foe stood helpless as he watched Matt get pummelled by Billy. He quickly backed away and followed his friend who'd been routed by Mike. One final kick brought Matt down to the ground. He was whimpering and crying. "Don't . . . don't . . . I'm hurt." "You're always pulling crap like this, pal," Billy growled back. "You or your buddies try anything like this again on me or any of my friends and you'll be more than eating dirt. Am I clear?" There was silence for a moment until Matt grunted, "Okay." "Deal." Billy stepped back and motioned for Mike and George to join him on their remaining walk to the school. Spontaneously, the crowd of surrounding students erupted into supportive comments, whistles and high-fives. This is a helluva way to start school. Mike would have quite a story for his dad that evening. * * * Moving day at the end of September was well coordinated. Brian methodically had boxed and packed many of his possessions over the past month when he had a few moments. A good way to weed out some old shit and time to say bye-bye to some of my college stuff. As promised, Mike enlisted Billy and George to help. With adequate manpower, a rental van and good weather, the move was expected to be easy. And the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow would be pizza back at the Flynn-McGruder home. "That was a great idea to have Karen take her kids to the movies," Eric said. The guys had just placed the large sleeper couch in the van and were loading everything else around it. "I was afraid the kids might be in the way and could accidentally get hurt. I'll come back tomorrow and help her get organized cuz she's taking time off from work." "Hey, Dad, can you give us a hand? George and I don't want to damage the big painting." "Can do. Brian, why don't you and Billy grab a few bottles of water on your next trip back to the van for a little break?" Eric suggested. "I think that the painting is the last item to be moved but we need to double-check all the rooms." "Sounds like a plan. Gives me a chance to see if there's anything else that needs to be taken from the apartment." "Let's do it," Billy said. Brian smiled and they walked back to the apartment. He hadn't seen Billy without a shirt and was impressed at the tone and muscle mass he was packing. Whoa, this kid is going to make some guy very happy. They arrived in the kitchen and Brian opened the fridge door to retrieve the bottled water. "Um, Brian, can I ask you something?" Billy said quietly. "Sure. What's on your mind?" He could almost hear the cogs turning in Billy's mind. "I guess you know that Mike gave me the 4-1-1 on you and his dad." "And vice versa." Brian handed a bottle to Billy and cracked the cap on his own. "I think it's really cool about you two and all that stuff. Gives me some hope about later on." "You got plenty of time to figure everything out. How's the situation at home?" Brian was curious if Billy was just opening the door or if something was bothering him. "Cool. I've got a neat dad and the stepmom is okay. I'm just not ready to talk about . . . things with them." "I understand. I s'pose Mike told you that Eric or I, or both, would always be available to discuss anything that's on your mind. And I mean anything, bud." Brian smiled and nodded. "There are several things that young gay guys need to know. . .and safe sex is on top of the list when you're ready." "That's what I wanted to clear up with you. I mean, there's a lot of shit, um, stuff that I need to find out and Mike can't help me there." Billy giggled and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I think that Mike is a committed skirt chaser. But you couldn't have a better friend." "Don't I know it. I'm lucky. I originally kinda thought, well. . .that Mike and I would be special friends, you know? Well, I found out real fast that wasn't going to happen. So, I'm settling for being buddies . . . for a long time. George, too." Billy shuffled as he looked at the floor. If I get the picture right, Billy came onto Mike and our boy got things straightened out really fast but tactfully. "From where I stand, you couldn't have two better friends." Brian studied his young charge for a moment. He thought he knew what Billy was thinking and thought it best to change subjects. "Why don't you run the water down to the guys? I want to do one more walk-through and make sure I didn't forget anything." "You got it, boss," Billy said with a mock salute. He grabbed the waters and left. Brian walked through the apartment and looked in the closets for anything that had been overlooked. Although he hadn't been in the apartment very long, every move tweaked his memory banks. Brian smiled when he remembered the first intimate night he and Eric had shared in his bedroom when the boys were asleep and Karen was watching TV in her bedroom. Today represented the biggest step in his adult life: an official commitment with another person. Living together. A commitment to share a life, or in this case, lives for better or worse. He was positive that the better would out-weigh any negatives. Only time would tell. A long time, I'm sure. And to lend a hand in helping Eric get Mike through the always-messy post-pubescent years into young adulthood. Brian smiled and closed the door on his old life. * * * Thanksgiving was a non-event in Eric's life because it was always a workday. Same with Brian and this year was no exception; each man had to run their busy restaurants so hundreds of families could enjoy the holiday without the fuss of cooking at home. Therefore, Mike happily accepted an invitation to celebrate 'bird day' with his grandparents at their home. The holiday weekend was coolish but sunny, so Billy and George joined Mike for a Saturday pick-up basketball game at Earl Warren's outdoor court. There were several guys at the school grounds with the same plan in mind and the game turned out to be a lively shirts-skins game with player rotation. By mid-point, Big Mattie arrived. The guys playing basketball weren't excited at the prospect of playing 'that a-hole' and grumbled a little as they moved down court. Mike scored and Billy grabbed the ball. Matt walked over to Billy and said, "Hi. Do you mind if we play with you guys?" Billy paused for a moment and the two teams circled around the encounter. "Matt, as long as you're cool about playing by the rules, I don't see a problem. Probably be able to get into the game in a few minutes." "That works." Matt bumped knuckles with Billy and walked over to the other guys waiting to play. Sunday morning at the Ryan-McGruder household with a chill in the air, had the two dads and son wearing tee-shirts in addition to their briefs. Remnants of the San Diego Union-Tribune were spread around the living room and Mike was glued to the Sports section while Brian perused Business. "Anyone for more coffee or cocoa?" Eric called out from the kitchen. "Last chance." Brian looked at Mike and they said in unison, "No, thanks." "Then I'll clean up." Eric came to the doorway and continued, "Have you two decided where we're going tonight for our belated Thanksgiving dinner?" "If turkey's not a must, Mike would love to eat some lobster," Brian replied. "Inspired suggestion and I think I know just the place." Eric paused for a moment. "I think it's time to blow our budget and dine out at Pacifica in Del Mar. They've got a great wine list and every form of fish, including lobster. It's a long-pants kinda place, however. Does that work?" Brian and Mike nodded with a smile. "I've only heard good things about Pacifica from some of my customers," Brian replied. "And I've got a new pair of jeans that need to be broken in." "Excellent." Eric walked into the living room and placed one hand on Brian's shoulder and his other hand reached out to Mike. "I'll make a reservation for three." THE END