Is there anything better than waking up in the morning with a warm, sexy body snuggled next to me . . . especially someone I love? Eric slowly moved in rhythm with Brian's deep and steady breathing. He lay there and considered the unorthodox family unit that was now his life: the core of his being. The early August morning light was quietly announcing another day. In the past month, overnights had become more frequent. Mike's trust of Brian and acceptance as his dad's companion grew only stronger. In fact, the teenager was often disappointed if Brian was not with Eric for their casual breakfasts. The level of acceptance was evident when Mike insisted that Uncle Brian be present for his birthday party. Of equal importance was Mike's official graduation from the Children's Hospital's Out-patient Psychiatry Clinic UCSD. In addition to resolving crisis control, it signaled an end to early morning bed-crawl-ins with the adults. Mike had become a naturally networking, social animal in his new Southern California environment; a chip off the old Flynn block. While George Cortwright was definitely his best friend, a different, intellectual relationship with Billy Woods had been established. Mike would adroitly juggle 'hanging' with George and deep, scholarly discussions with Billy. Together, their three young lives intersected on a frequent and random basis. The community pool activities and membership at the local 'Y' expanded the friendships of other young people into his life. It didn't go unnoticed by Eric that Mike's daily swim workouts were changing his gangly body into that of a young, muscled athlete. Adding girls into the equation - they seemed to multiply like bunnies around the guys. Mike's 13th birthday party at the end of July was a loud, crowded, fun evening. My son the babe magnet. Eric closed his eyes and thought back to that evening a month ago. * * * Once the guest list had been created and approved, Eric and Mike drew up the plans and logistics to have a fun party. Eric knew it would be a defining moment for Mike's arrival and acceptance in the community. In less than two months his son had accumulated a group of 30 friends who he wanted to bring into their home - a fact that spoke volumes about Mike's healing and transition. Mike's official birthday would be Friday. However, with Eric and Brian working weekend evenings, Sunday was an agreeable compromise. Eric was impressed when Mike said he wanted to put out the word that the guests bring canned goods for the local food bank in lieu of gifts. "Maybe some sort of chow for dinner and a place for dancing?" "How about silly hats and a clown," Eric replied with a laugh. "And we could have some dude make balloon sculptures for take-home gifts." "Yeah, right and maybe a petting zoo?" Mike stuck out his tongue and joined in the laughter. "Seriously, I'm thinking simple stuff we can serve out of the kitchen, buffet-style. A cookout would get too messy, besides we don't have a large enough grill." Eric entered his restaurant manager mode and continued, "How about lasagna, meat and vegetarian, garlic bread and a tossed salad? We won't need knives and it's easy on the bank account." "Cake and ice cream, of course," Mike added. They had already discussed his favorite carrot cake with vanilla ice cream. "Can we have cokes an' stuff like that?" "Sure. I know your friends would expect that. Just don't get spoiled." Eric smiled and playfully slapped Mike's back. "Actually, I've gotten used to bottled water," Mike said, grinning. "My dad, the health nut, is rubbing off on me." "That being the case, your health nut dad thinks that the kids need a little exercise in the form of dancing. Whaduya think about a D.J. for music? I can get a dance floor to put over the carpet." "Wow, that'd be cool. But no old fuddy duddy." "I've got just the guy. He's in college and does this to earn school money. He'll know what to play. I promise he'll play none of my Beach Boys or Beatles music. By the way, what do you think of me inviting Billy's parents and Mr. Cortwright for some chaperone relief? Might be good neighborhood politics, ya know. " "I don't know if you'll get Billy's dad, but his step-mom might be up to it. And George wouldn't mind having his dad around." "Okay, I'll give them a call." Eric didn't add that he wanted some cover by having the other parents around. They agreed to have the kids arrive around 4:00 p.m. and serve dinner at six. The D.J. was hired to play from the start of the party and wrap it up at 8:00 p.m. Eric came up with the idea of having a gift certificate to El Rancho as a door prize. This, of course, would be matched by a gift certificate to The Cheesecake Joynt by Brian. Brian came over at noon to help Eric move furniture around, install the dance floor and be a general gofer for his lover. Mike enlisted George and Billy to fill balloons from the rented helium tank, hang some silly signs and ice down the sodas. By 2:00 p.m., everything had been set up and Mike's friends went home to change. "Well, buddy, it's about as done as it's going to get," Brian said to Mike. "Looks like the makings for a great party." "Absolutely. Thanks for being here 'n' all, Unc. I'll go check everything one more time." Eric was amused that his son had adopted a new nickname for Brian. "You do that and then get cleaned up. Brian and I are going to do that now." Going to get cleaned up after a little R and R in the bedroom. Eric was relieved that Mike totally accepted and respected both men's private time. "Mrs. Woods and Mr. Cortwright will be here around quarter to four." "See you guys later. I'll get dressed and mess around on the 'net," Mike said. Eric was pleased that Billy had turned Mike onto the site. Eric planned on nurturing Mike's interest in math during the next couple of years. Christ, five years and college will be a reality. Gotta start saving some buckaroos. "Let's regroup around three," Eric said. Mike nodded acknowledgement and returned to the kitchen while Eric and Brian walked to the bedroom. "Hi, man of my life," Eric said as he pulled Brian into a tight hug with one arm and closed the door with the other. One flick of the knob and the door was locked. "I'm Ready to suck a little life out of you." Brian snickered and proceeded to nibble on Eric's earlobe. "Two can play that game," Eric said gruffly. He loved Brian 'working' on his ear. Brian's tongue bathed all the exposed parts of Eric's face before landing on a willing mouth. Eric's lips parted with minimum resistance to receive Brian's active tongue. After sufficient dueling, Brian pulled back and gently eased Eric's polo shirt up his torso. Eric automatically raised his arms so that the garment could easily be removed. "You look great, babe. Good enough to eat." Brian roughly pulled off his tee and tossed it on the floor and both guys toed off their deck shoes while pressing their tented cargo shorts into each other. "That's the idea," Eric uttered in a whisper. As if on cue, the guys reached down to release their underwear. After stepping out of his, Eric aggressively pulled Brian onto the unmade bed. They renewed their kisses and reached down to caress each other's wood. "Dinner for two?" Brian chuckled and eased his body around so that his mouth was ready to attack his lover. Each positioned their legs so that the lower thigh became a muscled flesh pillow for the other's head. "This is definitely a 'Big Mac'." Eric moved in and started lapping the blood-gorged, velvety, steel-like phallus in front of him. He shuddered with delight as Brian duplicated his moves. Could a '69' get much better? I think not. Brian planted his lips around Eric's erection. "Mmmm," was all Eric could groan as he duplicated the action. "Oh fuck, man." Brian momentarily pulled away from Eric. While holding the cock at its base, Brian continued his oral exploration by sucking in Eric's scrotum-encased orbs one generous portion at a time. Slowly he started jacking the hot dick in his hand. Eric matched the energy with his mouth. After burying his nose in Brian's pubes, he started a combination of oral strokes. Bobbing his head back and forth and his tongue twirling around Brian's hot dick, Eric multi-tasked his loving, sexual manipulations. As Brian's nuts started traveling inward, Eric slowed down and paused. Each rested momentarily for the body stimulations to return to a temporary safety zone. With no warning Brian eased his body away and moved around so that their faces were within inches of each other. He gently kissed Eric as he pinched his partner's nipples. Eric smiled, returned the kiss and found a similar pinching target. "Seventh inning stretch?" Eric asked, still in a fog. "Roll over on your back. I wanna see us explode." Brian winked and moved away so that Eric could move. Immediately Brian straddled Eric's crotch with his knees so that the two hard cocks were touching. He reached over to the bed stand and grabbed the Wet. After uncapping the bottle, he generously poured lube over the hugging penises and started stroking both. "Oh, yeah. I like." Eric loved the dominant role Brian acted out occasionally. Both had agreed earlier that 'lovemaking lite' was the limit before the party. Eric smiled as he readied himself for a messy joint climax over his taut body. Brian gradually sped up his hand. Between the jacking action and the friction of the two welded cocks, each man returned to the earlier levels of sensuous euphoria within minutes. "Shit, babe, I'm going to . . . ohhh," yelled Brian. "Me, too," Eric shouted. At this point, he couldn't control his vocalizations. I hope Mike is in the kitchen and out of hearing range. He matched Brian's fluid explosion and wasn't sure whose shot hit his face. But there's definitely a gooey deposit on my chin. After a PG-rated shower, the two men joined Mike in welcoming his guests. Eric was impressed at the quality and quantity of friends that his son had assembled over the past couple of months. By the time the last person left, all agreed that the party had been an unqualified success. Mike had been officially launched into the teen life 'scene' of Solana Beach and Eric had gotten to know Mrs. Wood and Bill Cortwright much better. * * * Eric re-awoke, rolled over to his side of the bed and got out. Brian was still sleeping and he wanted to get his bathroom duties out of the way. This was a big day but he was sure that everything would go well. Today Eric was going to propose to Mike that Brian move into the Flynn home on a permanent basis. After a morning whiz, deflation of the wood and a brushing of the teeth, Eric was ready to be chef. He had promised waffles and sausages for the guys. That alone signaled a deviation from the norm. His request that Mike and Brian meet him at eight announced the importance of the breakfast gathering. "Mornin', gorgeous," Brian said as he shuffled into the kitchen. He kissed Eric on the cheek before pouring a cup of coffee. "Looking pretty good yourself." Eric turned to observe his lover take a sip. Friggin' hot, in spite of his bed head of hair going off at different angles. "Need any help?" "Naw, got it under control. I figure we can eat first before we get down to the heavy stuff." Eric poured juice for three and motioned Brian to sit down. "If there's any indication that Mike isn't comfortable with the idea, I'll be happy to stay where I am. I've gottten kinda used to commuter loving. It's just a lot of wear and tear on the Jeep." "Let's see how it plays. I'm confident that Mike will buy into it." "Buy into what?" Mike asked from the doorway as Eric poured the batter onto the waffle griddle and closed the lid. "Buy into having dingleberry syrup with the waffles." Eric turned around and smiled at his son. Yup, Mike has definitely grown some since his arrival three months ago. He approved of the body tone that the teen was developing from the swimming and weights workouts. "Oh, yuk. So gross," Mike said with a wrinkled nose. "Maple's just fine. Hi, Dad, Unc." He returned the smile when Eric ruffled his hair. Mike ducked, grabbed the hot chocolate and moved over to the kitchen table. He squeezed Brian's shoulder and sat down. "Hey, big guy. Ready for your dad's waffles?" "Waffles? Absolutely. But this isn't Sunday or a holiday. Whazzup?" Mike looked at Brian intently before turning to Eric. "The first waffle for openers," Eric replied. He lifted the waffle out of the waffle iron and forked it onto a plate in the center of the table. Next came the sausages that were on hold in the oven. "You guys get going and share. I'll make the next waffle right now." He knew this would be a logistics exercise until he had enough waffles made. "I can take a hint." Mike divided the waffle for Brian and him and lavishly applied softened butter to his half. He offered Brian the syrup first. They both silently helped themselves to the sausages and started eating. "Yum, this is great. Thanks, Dad." Mike was already half finished when Eric joined them with another waffle after he poured batter for a third waffle on the waffle iron "Yeah. Great, Dad," Brian said with a snicker and a smile directed to both guys. "Hey, I'm just providing for both my boys." Eric winked and prepared his waffle. He looked over at Mike and picked up a curious expression. Hmm, I think Mike deciphered my message. "Oooookay," Mike said as he rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He politely took a quarter-waffle and offered the other piece to Brian. "Thanks." Brian speared it as Eric returned to the waffle iron to retrieve the last waffle. "That should do it," Eric said as he sat down. The silence was deafening as their breakfast was eaten. "Son, I know you've figured out we needed to talk about something. I guess this is as good a time as any." Eric refilled the coffee cups and smiled at Mike. "Is this sumpin' I'm not goin' to like?" Mike asked nervously. "I hope that you're going to be happy with it. At least that's the plan." Eric studied his son's face for a reaction. "The plan?" "Well, you know that Brian and I have become very close. I mean we're not running out to get married or anything . . . although we would if we could." Eric felt Mike's eyes drilling into him. He held out his hand and Mike took it. Father and son held each other's hand tightly. "Ah, yeah, we discussed all that," Mike said. "I'm cool." "Would you be cool if Brian shared the house with you and me on a permanent basis?" "Live here full time? Like forever?" "That's what we'd like to do. But your Dad wants to make sure that it's okay with you. If you're not comfortable with me on a full time basis I can continue coming over at night, ya know." Brian reached out his hand and offered it to Mike. The teen studied Brian, reached over and joined in a clasp. "Ah, shee-it . . . um, shucks . . . sorry, Dad," Mike replied, his voice unsteady. "I'm just a kid. You don't have to ask me." "Son, this is just as much your house as it is mine. And from what I see, you have definitely moved on from kid status." Eric cranked up a smile and chuckled. Mike blushed a little before Eric continued, "Seriously, I'd like for us to be a family unit. There are two people sitting before me who I love very much." Eric reached over and grabbed Brian's hand. Eric was sure that each understood this symbolism of unity and he felt his son grip his hand even more firmly. "I don't have any problem with you being gay. And I love Brian like. . .well, like another dad," Mike replied, squeezing both hands for emphasis. "I just wonder what the neighbors will, well . . . ah, what they'll think." Eric picked up on Mike's constant blinking. "And your friends? Yup, I know that's on your mind, too, and I won't deny that you might get some crap from a few. But if that's the case, they really aren't friends. I certainly don't think that George or Billy are going to give a rat's ass one way or the other." "There might be some talk, but we're not going to prance around in makeup and dresses," Brian added with a smile. "We're just two guys who want to have a normal home life and be there for you as you grow into an adult. Pretty simple, really." "What you say makes sense. I guess my close buddies won't have any problem. The girls, neither." Mike looked up at the ceiling and contemplated the situation silently. Eric looked at Brian, raised his eyebrows and turned his attention to Mike. Okay, Son, think this out. Finally, Mike focused his eyes on Eric's. "Any others who do have a problem, close your ears, Dad." Mike turned to Brian and added, "Fuck 'em." All three guys let out a series of whoops and hearty laughs. "Buddy, I couldn't have said it better," Brian said as happy tears appeared. "Promise me that you'll let me know if you have any problems with any of the kids at school," Eric said. "Okay?" "I'm pretty sure I can handle any crap that's dished my way. Billy's been showing me some pretty cool karate moves. It'll be cool." "Guess that's it then? Son, stand up and give me a big hug." Eric, still holding Mike's hand, stood with his son and pulled him into a loving body crunch. "Yeah, Dad. That's it." Mike nestled his head on Eric's shoulder. "Brian, get your butt over here. This is a family group hug." Eric opened one arm and looked at Brian. Mike did the same. "One group hug coming up." Brian stood, joined the guys and kissed each on the forehead. "I think Dad's expecting more than that little peck," Mike said, grinning broadly. "Later, Mike. We've got lots of time." Brian lightly squeezed Mike's neck. "When are you moving in?" Mike asked casually. The guys pulled apart and sat down. "We hadn't planned anything. You being okay with me moving in was first on the list." "Brian's sister is going to stay in their apartment," Eric added. "Karen can afford to pay the rent with no problem and the two little boys will have more room." "I figure that I'll rent a panel truck and do it sometime next month. Maybe a Sunday when we're all off?" Brian looked at both Flynns for approval. "Sweet. I could get George and Billy to help," Mike said with enthusiasm. Eric just smiled and nodded. "You and George have become close friends," Eric said. "Right?" "The best. We're really tight and I trust him." "He may be needing a good friend and support when you see him today." Eric stoically looked at his son. "Support? Whaduya mean, Dad?" "Mr. Cortwright is having a talk with George this morning. He gave us - Brian and me - permission to give you the rundown in case your friend needs help sorting out the news." "News? Is something wrong with his dad?" Mike asked anxiously. "No. Bill Cortwright has decided that he has to tell George the real reason he's a divorced man," Brian added. "Real . . . what the fu . . . heck?" Mike pulled back and stared, first at Brian and then at Eric. "Seems Bill figured out some time ago that he really had an attraction for men. Mrs. Cortwright and he grew apart and finally she found someone else. When she asked for a divorce he admitted that he was gay. Funny thing is his honesty with her has made them better friends." Eric wished that his parting with his 'ex' had been that easy eight years earlier. "Holy smoke, Batman," was all Mike could say. "Yup. And you're going to have to be George's Robin. We have no idea what your friend's reaction will be but we do know that he'll probably need your help. Eric and I want to give you permission, Mike, to 'out' us to George. Let him know that there's another gay dad in the neighborhood. . .no, as we just decided, two gay dads." The quietness in the kitchen was disturbed only by a light wind coming off the ocean and a whir from the refrigerator. Mike stared intently at his empty plate and appeared to be weighing the options. Eric patiently watched his son. I hope he can work out a way to digest all we've thrown at him. Moments became minutes as Mike pondered this new challenge. "You're right. George is going to need me," Mike finally replied. He reached over and grabbed Eric's hand again. "We're going to meet at the pool in a couple of hours. Let me figure out how to help him." "I know this is a lot of stuff to consider," Eric asked with a concerned expression. "You sure you're going to be alright?" "Yeah, Dad. I'll be just fine and I really am cool with you guys. Two dads for the price of one. Such a deal." Mike grinned and stood up. "I'm going to go to my room and do some thinking before I meet George. . . he's got some heavy-duty sorting out to do. Okay?" "More than okay. I trust you to help him the best way you can. Just remember, we're here to help if you need us." "Naw, this is something that I need to work out. . .how to make sure George knows this isn't the end of the world. And that, all in all, Mr. Cortwright is his dad first." "And that his sexuality isn't a choice." Eric rose and wrapped an arm around Mike. "Love you." Brian did the same as the two men flanked Mike. "Back at you, Dad. Brian, you too." Mike smiled and walked away when he was released. Eric went back to the table and started clearing the dirty dishes. "Well, that was a priceless Kodak moment," Brian said to lighten the atmosphere. He proceeded to put away the juice, butter and syrup. "In living color with apologies to the Wynans." Eric had been a big fan of their TV show when he was Mike's age. "We accomplished a lot today and I only hope that Mike gets George over any hurdle he has," Brian said. "I guess we'll find out at breakfast tomorrow." Both Eric and Brian would be working that night. "If I don't hear from you later, that'll be the plan: cuddles tonight and the whole story in the morning," Brian said with a smile. "I'm going to get dressed and go home. I've got some initial planning to do on the move and Karen needs to know." "Right, hon. See you back here tonight." Eric pulled Brian into a big wet kiss. Out of the corner of his eye, Eric saw Mike staring at the intimate moment. Before Eric could uncouple, Mike grinned and gave Eric a thumbs up. "Thanks," Eric mouthed silently so that Mike could read his lips. That's my boy . . . my two boys. He pressed his head against Brian's and held fast. * * * Mike walked over to George when he spotted his friend slumped in his chair at an umbrella table next to the pool. It was just after eleven and Mike had brought some sandwiches for the two of them. George looked up but said nothing as Mike approached. 'Hey, dude. How they hangin'?" Mike asked in an upbeat manner. He picked up on his friend's depression. "Um, not so good." "One of those days?" Mike decided to subtly direct the conversational flow. "Shit, Mike, it's one of those years," George replied. Mike noticed that George's eyes were red and a little moist. "Heavy duty, huh?" "Ya don't wanna know." "What's the problem? Maybe I can help." Mike sat down and pulled his chair up next to George. "I can't say. I'm just too confused at the moment," George answered, looking across the pool. "We're best friends, asshole. If ya let me, I'd like to help." "It's family stuff. Something my dad said. It's just a shock, that's all." George leaned back in his chair and stared at Mike. "Trust me, I've had more than my share of shocks in my thirteen years on this planet. Come on. Whazzup?" "Dad . . . well . . . he told me this morning that he's . . . gay." George swallowed hard and frowned. "Gay as in he likes guys?" Mike was proud that his friend hadn't used any derogatory slang words. "I guess. Apparently that's part of the reason he and Mom divorced." "Wow. That's heavy when it comes out of left field. You had no idea?" "Of course not. Jeez, it's not like Dad has a boyfriend or anything." "You mean unlike my Dad and Brian." Mike thought that he'd use this opportunity to drop the 'bomb'. "Your Dad and Brian?" George asked, puzzled at the reference. "What the fuck you talking about?" "George, I'm going to tell you something that stays between us, only us. Okay?" "Yeah . . . sure. Wait, are you saying that . . .?" ". . . My Dad's gay, too. That was the reason he and Mom split up when I was little. Mom didn't take it very well and moved me away." George immediately sat up straight in his chair, his mouth popped open and his eyes became elliptical. "Holy shit. Gay? Both? Jeez, I . . . well . . . Christ, this is something I hadn't counted on," George exclaimed. He studied Mike for a few moments before he continued, "Are you, um, you know . . . gay, also?" His stare attempted to penetrated Mike's defenses. "Me, gay? Naw, somehow these California girls are too hot to make me consider switching over to the other side," Mike said with a smile. "Like you, doofus, I'm into girls. Our dads got wired a little differently . . . that's all. The 'whys' no one knows." "How about that stuff that Billy, you and I've done?" "Oh, come on. I think that we've all figured out that was just a little experimenting. I hate to say something lame like 'everybody does it', but a lot of guys do. Just one of those things. And you gotta admit that jerkin' together was kinda fun," Mike grinned. "Yeah, I know." George immediately went into a major blush. "So, can I ask how you left it with your dad?" Mike asked. "I was a real shit. I just clammed up and came down here. It wasn't too smart to run but I just couldn't figure out what to do." George hung his head and stared at the ground. "Okay, here's what I think we should do. Let's eat these sandwiches I made and then go over to your house. The pool can wait. Your dad is probably really worried. Maybe we can let him know that his news is cool with us. Is that okay with you?" Mike asked with concern. "Cool with it?" George replied as he continued to process all the news. "I dunno. . .what Dad laid out is pretty heavy stuff." "He risked a lot to clear the air between you two and you've got to figure out how he's still your dad in addition to this other thing." Mike decided pointing out that George's mom had moved on would be an overkill. "Can you handle this news and give your dad some space on this?" "Yeah, I guess." "No. I mean, are you really okay with this? Ya gotta mean it. No half-ass shit." Mike was determined to get George to turn the corner and go forward. He could almost hear the cogs turning in George's head. "You're right. He's my dad . . . my family," George said suddenly as he looked at Mike. "I gotta support him., like I have a choice." "No more of a choice than he has, you know, like my dad." George stared at the ground for a long silent moment, then he looked at Mike and said, "Hell, what can I say . . . I love him. So, I gotta talk with him like right now." "And I got your back covered." Mike and George bumped knuckles and high-five'd. "I hope that we're friends for a long time. You really came through for me." He smiled as Mike offered him a sandwich. "Yeah, I'll be there for you anytime," Mike said. "Right now, I need to figure out things with Dad." George extended his hand and added, "Thanks for helping me though this." |