"Man . . . where do I start?" Bill said to no one.

"At the top, when I came into the picture," Brian replied.

There was a long, pregnant pause before Bill continued. "Let’s see, Brian and I met one night at the Boom Boom Room in Laguna Beach . . . maybe four years ago . . . just before it closed. Let’s just say that our hormones kicked in and the rest is history."

"They kicked in and kept kicking in until you stood me up one night. I never saw you again. . .and that’s the history." Brian said it with no emotional attachment; just as a matter of fact.

Eric knew that there had probably been more to it back then. But no more, thank God. Talk about things getting ‘curiouser.’

"I do owe you an apology, Brian. Here I was, living up the hill with a wife and, at the time, an eight-year old kid, a successful business, and rattling around in my closet. . .and not dealing with it very well. I’d drive all the way up to Laguna Beach and wouldn’t even use my real name. Sorry I didn’t come clean then. It was just too much baggage for me to handle."

"I’m also sorry you didn’t come clean. Aside from making me feel like I’d done something to hex our thing, it sounds like the double life has now damaged your family life."

"The divorce was unavoidable, I see that. My wife -- make that ‘ex’ -- and I would do the deed maybe once a month or so. The best thing would have been to come clean . . . but with her screwing the doc and wanting a new life, I gained custody of George. ’Tis a bitter victory."

"Well, Bill, I accept your apology . . . as a friend only." Brian offered his hand and Bill took it. They both offered small consolation smiles. "Everything has a way of working out. As you may have guessed, Eric and I are more than good friends."

Eric noticed Brian flick on a broad grin and happily accepted his lover’s pat on his shoulder. "Well, speaking of closets, I guess I’ve been hereby officially outed to the neighbors." He laughed and shrugged to Bill.

"Unless you’re pissed, this seems like a great place to start coming out of the armoire," Brian said, "to selective friends."

"Only to me, guys. But there’s always been some speculation about the mysterious Eric amongst the condo neighbors. I always said that it was none of our business and that running a restaurant probably didn’t give you much wiggle-room for evening social activities." Bill sounded like he was relieved that the air had been cleared.

"I s’pose never having a woman around was a dead giveaway?" Eric said with a laugh. "Fuck’em if they can’t take it. Mike’s arrival probably will really make their tongues wag even more."

"From what I hear, you’ve been given a reprieve in the neighborhood gossip mill but I suspect my divorce will be taking center stage very soon." Bill shrugged his shoulders and sipped his Grand Marnier.

"So, I guess there are now two, single, gay dads in the neighborhood?" Eric felt a little comforted knowing he that wasn’t alone.

"I’ve got the notarized divorce papers in my car. That was what the emergency was all about as I told you on the phone. Sometime tomorrow the county will officially recognize the divorce and me as George’s official parent. She wants a minimal custody arrangement. Probably a couple of visits a month."

"How does George feel about the divorce?" Eric asked.

"We had a family meeting when she announced her intentions to move out and move on. George took everything we had to say very well."

"With the divorce rate in California, I’m sure that several of his classmates have been subjected to split-ups and a new mom or dad," Eric added.

"Yeah, families sticking together are becoming a very rare commodity. Funny thing is he really wasn’t surprised. Our little charade of a marriage didn’t fool him at all. Before the meeting, the wife and I had a soul-searching talk. I ’fessed up to my sexuality and apologized for not being able to hold up my end of the marriage. Coming out to her lessened her guilt. Thank God, she took it well and I’m sure we’ll all be friends. The last thing we’ll do is bad mouth each other to George."

"You might consider maybe not letting the doc give you a proctology exam though," Brian added. This broke up the guys.

"So, George isn’t aware of your orientation?" Eric asked quietly after the laughter subsided.

"That’s a father-son chat I need to have. . .soon. Honestly, it scares the shit out of me. What about you, Eric? Is Mike aware of your orientation and all the rest?" Bill raised his eyebrows and looked at Brian.

"It was handled for me by my wife years ago. Let me give you the 60 second version of my life-defining moments, starting eight years ago." Eric proceeded to fire bullet points that brought them up to the present about Mike and his situation. Bill’s mouth hung partially open when the story ended.

"Man, that’s a lot for a young guy to handle."

"He’s responding to weekly counseling sessions at UCSD. And our little talks have gone well. The added complication to this drama is that I met Brian just before being contacted about Brenda’s death. After I returned with Mike, Brian and I . . ."

". . . Got real close and personal." Brian’s inflection was more in a ‘matter-of-fact’ manner than a personal ‘gotcha’.

"To the point that Brian and I had a little chat today about how a special relationship was developing between us two lugs. Tonight we may continue the conversation."

"Sounds as if you’re like the Padre’s clean-up batter rounding third base while I’m still bunting with how to tell George what’s what. Any ideas?"

"In fact, I might make a suggestion for you to consider." Eric saw that the boys were still out in the patio talking and laughing.

"I’m open to anything. I don’t want to create any friction between my son and me."

"Have you had any detailed conversations about sex with George?"

"Not really. His mother was bugging me this spring to sit down with him and I just didn’t know how to bring up the subject. I’m really a wuss, aren’t I?"

"If you don’t mind me asking, has George experienced wet dreams yet?" Eric looked squarely into Bill’s eyes and his startled expression.

"I don’t mind your asking," Bill replied, squirming a little. "No, I don’t think so. I mean, I’m Mr. Mom now and there’s nothing about his laundry to suggest so. But then, I really haven’t been looking carefully."

"Maybe George is blooming a little late but we all know that’ll change very soon. Mike came to me when he moved in. Things were happening at night and he thought something was medically wrong."

"Yeah, I remember that first time and trying to figure out what happened," Bill said with a smile. "As I recall, my school buddy who later became a buddy in more ways than one, filled me in on that."

That brought chuckles and nodding heads from all the guys.

"My suggestion is to start out with a talk about puberty and how his body will be changing." Eric observed Bill becoming more at ease with the conversation.

"I feel like I’m attending Fatherhood 101," Brian said, intently listening to the two dads.

"You may become a second father to Mike, sooner than later," Eric replied.

"If and when the time comes, I’ll be very proud."

"It will definitely be ‘when, not if."

"I’d like that. In the meantime, continue with your advice, old sage."

"Right." Eric was happy to get back on track. He didn’t really want to discuss their relationship in front of his neighbor. "Bill, I used this to go into pretty frank discussions about the male and female body, functions, sex . . . well everything heterosexual. My recommendation is to use the proper terms and definitions. By the way, from what I’ve observed I’d say that our sons are really finding girls very interesting this summer and a big plus in their lives."

"With George and Mike becoming good friends, I think I’d better move fast. I really want to be the first person to share this information with George."

"Right. In fact, after you’ve had a satisfactory meeting, I could suggest that Mike let George read an old sex ed booklet that I found recently and gave him. It was from a class I went to at ‘Y’ camp when I was that age."

"Let me consider that. You’ve really given me a lot to think about. Maybe after the sex talks I can focus on how some guys have a different orientation and where I fit into the equation."

"Good plan. And if everything goes reasonably well, you might let George know about our situation. Mike could be a good reinforcement." Eric saw the boys enter the dining room.

"Eric, this has probably been one of the most important days of my life. First, getting the divorce papers, then meeting you two. Thanks from the bottom of my heart for your advice. And Brian, I hope we can become friends."

"I do, too," Brian said as the boys returned to the table.

"Dad, George and I are getting a little tired. Are we ready to go?" Mike asked.

"Let’s do it, guys." Eric stood and took out some money. Brian and Bill stood, also.

"Whoa, let me handle the tip," Bill said. "Your generosity with the dinner is enough and I thank you for everything. And I do mean everything." Bill smiled broadly as he set a couple of twenties on the table.

"Okay, men. Give me a minute to say hello to a few guests and then we’ll head back up the hill." Eric waited as the party left the table. "I’ll meet you out in the parking lot."

"We’ll get the cars," Brian replied as he opened the front door for the rest of the group.

"Mike, let me talk with you just for a second," Eric said just before his son walked out of the restaurant.

"Sure. Whazzup?"

"I’m concerned about Brian driving home with the number of drinks he’s had. Are you okay if I ask him to stay over and go back in the morning?" I hope Mike doesn’t figure out that both Brian and I had the same amount of drinks. This is just too good of a time to test an adult sleepover.

"Like I have a choice," Mike said with exaggerated indignity and a larger-than-life shrug that turned into a subtle grin.

"You absolutely do. If you’re not comfortable with Brian bunking in my room, I’ll have him sleep on the couch." Eric looked into his son’s eyes in an attempt to read behind his comment and actions.

"Daaaad, that’s not what I mean. We covered that subject this morning. I mean, I’m almost thirteen . . . give me some credit for knowing what’s up." Mike offered his dad a sly smile.

"Then you’re okay with it?"

"Yeah, more than okay. I like Uncle Brian and I know that you really do, too. In fact, I’m looking forward to breakfast in the morning; you know, boxers or briefs," Mike concluded with a snicker.

"Thanks, son. Breakfast for all of us it is." Eric placed his hand on Mike’s shoulder and they left the foyer. Eric said goodnight to the front desk crew on his way out.

* * *

Brian had always been a light sleeper and the added attraction of being with Eric for an entire night kept him on edge. He therefore perked up when he heard the bedroom door handle turn and the door slowly open. Hmm, this is either some mystery intruder or my nephew. I hope it’s Mike.

Brian disengaged his arm that was wrapped around Eric and eased himself away from his lover’s back. He turned to the shadowy figure as it approached the bed.

"Um, Uncle Brian, can I join you guys?" Mike’s voice sounded small and tremulous with just an edge of worry.

"No problem. Hop in." Brian gently turned down the covers and scooted around to make room. He was thankful that Eric suggested they sleep in their briefs in case Mike came in during the night. Although there was a lock on the door, Eric didn’t want to create any barrier in case Mike needed him late at night.

"Thanks." Mike quietly eased onto the bed and looked, face-to-face, at Brian. "I suppose this sounds crazy but I was having a bad dream and don’t want to be by myself. This has only happened a couple of times."

"Wanna talk?"

"Naw. I just need to be with Dad . . . and you."

"That’s cool. How can I help? Looks like your dad is really zonked out. Should I wake him up?" Brian said as he attempted to hold back a snicker at the double meaning of ‘zonked out’ that had previously been established. Looks like Eric and I are going to be a security blanket tonight. Déjà vu to you, Charlie Brown.

"Um, naw, that’s okay. He usually pulls me close and I feel better. Would you do that?"

"Okay. Turn over on your side and snuggle up."

Once Mike had arranged himself, Brian draped his arm around the boy, letting Mike’s back touch his chest. Mike wiggled a little to find a comfortable position and sighed.

"Goodnight, Brian." Mike sounded relieved.

"Night, buddy. Get some rest." Brian noticed that it was a little after 2:00 a.m. as his butt grazed against Eric’s buns as he lay in a comforting, nonsexual repose. I’ve just graduated to Fatherhood 102. Another not-so-small step.

About two hours later, he felt the younger Flynn move around, slowly detach himself from Brian and get out of bed. He was also aware that Eric had rolled over and was now in a tight spoon position.

"You doing okay?" Brian whispered to Mike.

"Just fine. I’m going to pee and go back to my own bed. Thanks, Brian, this really helped. I’ll see you guys for breakfast."

"I hope you know that you can count on me to always be here, along with your dad?"

"That I’m finding out. I think having you guys around at night is going to work." Mike leaned down and kissed Brian on the forehead. "You’re definitely my favorite uncle. By the way, breakfast is casual. Dad will ’splain."

Brian was glowing internally as Mike quietly left and closed the door behind him. You’re special, buddy. Brian smiled as he inched his way backwards to be closer to Eric. He lightly grabbed Eric’s hand and held it. Slowly, Brian fell into a fitful sleep propelled by his lover’s rhythmic breathing and the feeling that he and Mike had bonded in a special way.

The next conscious moment occurred two hours later. It was 6:15 a.m. and the first rays of morning sun lit the room. Brian was aware of three things: he had a ferocious hard-on, Eric’s morning wood was parked up his ass crack, and he had to empty his bladder in the worst way.

First things first. Brian slowly eased away from the stimulating warmth that was Eric. He looked down at his lover after getting out of bed and smiled as Eric stirred and curled into a fetal ball in response to his absence. Brian kissed him lightly on the shoulder and went into the bathroom to take care of business.

Once finished, he rummaged through the cabinet and found some breath strips. Brian placed one in his morning mouth and felt the mint freshness go to work as he splashed water on his face.

"Morning," mumbled Eric as he shuffled in and over to the toilet.

"I guess I don’t have to worry about you needing Viagra," Brian said with a laugh. Eric scowled as he stood with his feet wide apart and tried to aim his woodie.

"If we didn’t have ‘mini-me’ in the next bedroom, I’d give you some ideas about how to help me out back in bed." Eric winked as his powerful stream hit the water.

"Let’s start with a breath strip. Open your mouth and stick out your tongue."

"Yes, Uncle Brian," Eric answered in a mock, childlike tone. He did as he was told and Brian laid the strip on the target. Eric continued to do his thing while watching Brian move over to the shower. He opened the door and turned on the water.

"Um, you okay with us taking a shower together? Your mouth and tongue have given me some wicked ideas," Brian said. "By the way, I should tell you that Mike visited us last night."

"Oh, yeah? When was this?" Eric raised his eyebrow as he continued his power whiz.

"Around two. He came in and crawled into my side of the bed. Apparently he had a bad dream. When I asked if I should wake you, he said that I could help him - he just wanted to be held." Brian reached in and adjusted the water temperature. He noticed Eric’s dick becoming a little more relaxed. Only a temporary measure cuz I’ve got plans for my lover. "He left a couple of hours later seemingly better for the visit."

"I’m proud of both of you and couldn’t be happier. He trusted you and you handled the situation perfectly. A real champ." Eric discharged the remaining drops and automatically shook his softening penis.

"He also invited me to breakfast. Mike said that it was casual and you’d explain what that meant." Brian opened the shower door wider and nodded for Eric to enter.

"Hey, Uncle Brian, you’ve officially arrived." Eric chuckled as he walked into the large shower. "We have breakfast in our briefs or boxers. You’re going to experience a Flynn tradition that, up to now, hasn’t been shared with anyone else." He pulled Brian into the stall and playfully pushed him under one of the two shower heads.

"Right now I want to experience another tradition," Brian said as he cupped Eric’s balls.

"I think this is something I could enjoy waking up to. . . often." Eric pulled Brian into an embrace and brought their lips together. Brian opened his mouth slightly to invite the second part of their kiss. He was delighted to receive the probing tongue.

"Mmmm," groaned Brian, as he started dueling with Eric’s tongue. They both darted around each other’s mouths before he finally yielded to Eric’s curling forcefulness. At the same time, two hard, leaking erections were getting to know each other very well, pressed against each other.

Eric disengaged after a few minutes of trading spit, turned the shower head down to a trickle and slowly lowered his body in front of Brian. He then tenderly left a trail of kisses from Brian’s neck, pecs, stomach, and navel to the groomed pubic patch of light brown hair. Eric finally sat on the floor for easy access and comfort.

"Oh, man. I could definitely get used to this," Brian said as he took in a deep breath and exhaled. He gently stroked Eric’s scalp as his lover started kissing the glans of a very excited penis. "Fuuuck."

"Soon," Eric answered playfully. He wrapped his lips around Brian’s hard-on and steadily moved forward until his nose was touching Brian’s pubes. Slowly he started movement back and forth, taking time to twirl his tongue around Brian’s glans when he was on the up stroke.

Brian was thrilled when Eric’s finger found its way back to his pucker and beyond the wrinkly surface. By instinct, he started a fucking movement to supplement Eric’s expert sucking. He was impressed that Eric was able to negotiate the entire shaft down his throat again, and again, and again. Brian started feeling a delicious tingling throughout his body. The epicenter was his groin and he knew by his balls tightening that a crescendo was imminent

"Oh, shit, babe . . . I’m . . . ohhhhhhhh," Brian croaked as he started erupting.

"Urghh," was all Eric could utter as he took the entire load and didn’t spill a drop. The shower water continued to pelt the two bodies.

* * *

"Damn," Mike said to himself as the shower water started getting cold. I better mention this to Dad. There might be something wrong with the water heater. He quickly rinsed off and turned off the water. It was 7:15 a.m. and he didn’t want to be late for breakfast.

He toweled off, brushed his teeth and applied some extra-hold hair gel so that the front of his hair stood straight up. He retrieved a clean pair of briefs and made a mental note to suggest that they do laundry soon.

Mike smiled when he saw his dad’s bedroom door open and smelled the aroma of coffee, freshly brewed for the adults. He was still partial to hot chocolate.

"Hi, Dad, Uncle Brian," he said as he entered the kitchen. Mike smiled to himself at the sight of these two adult guys: Dad was in boxers; Brian in dark boxer briefs. Ole Brian is a pretty buff dude, too.

"Morning. The usual?" Eric stood, grabbed a clean cup and walked over to Mike. He loved it when his dad ruffled his hair and squeezed him on the shoulder.

"Absolutely." Mike watched Eric walk over to the stove to fetch the hot water for the Hershey’s cocoa mix.

"Mike, you doing okay?" Brian asked as he offered a good morning handshake.

"Just fine. Thanks for helping out last night," Mike replied low enough so that just Brian could hear. "How about a morning hug?"

"Absolutely." Brian wrapped his arms around Mike and held him close for a moment.

"Anytime you need us, we’ll both be there." Brian squeezed a final time and winked as Eric returned with Mike’s chocolate brew.

Mike nodded at Brian and returned the smile. He picked up on Brian’s use of the term ‘us’. Mike was pretty sure that this guy was going to become an important part of his life. Mom, I know you’re watching over us and I want you to know that everything’s cool.

"Okay, guys, how do you want your eggs? Scrambled or over-easy?" Eric asked.

"Over-easy, Dad. I’m done with scrambled." Mike was caught up in memories of his young life that had been scrambled. He was ready for a positive, permanent change.

"Me, too . . . I like over-easy," Brian replied as he winked at Eric.

"By the way, my dirty clothes are getting’ kinda stinky. It’s time to do laundry."

"After breakfast," Eric replied, "I’ll show you how my Maytag works and we can do a few batches together. Most important thing is to separate colors from whites...or your underwear could turn pink or baby blue."

"Ewe, not for this guy. I’ll separate everything first, for sure."

* * *

The first load of laundry was churning away, everyone had dressed and Mike was cleaning his room. The morning fog had settled just off the coastline and up on Eric’s deck the sun was warming the area. The guys were sitting next to each other on the deck chairs.

"This was an odd but productive Sunday weekend, considering how things could have gone." Brian took a sip of coffee and gently put his hand on Eric’s arm.

"Almost an overload. First, Bill’s divorce and you two seeing each other after four years. Then I come out to him and later, we ‘zonk out’ and Mike enters the picture. Who’da thought? And then he makes up his mind that Uncle Brian is pretty cool as my boyfriend and a steadying help in the stuff he’s dealing with."

"We’re just very fortunate that we followed your advice about wearing our briefs to bed. I’m not sure what Mike’s reaction would have been if we’d been nekkid when he came in last night."

Eric rolled his eyes. "Would have been a T.M.I. situation . . . for sure." He laughed and added, "You know, Mike’s not seen me in the raw. . . or vice versa, so far."

"With two guys living in this condo, that’ll change when you least expect it. Young Mike is probably very curious about what he’ll look like in a few years." Brian leaned over and gave Eric a peck on the cheek. "And I know he won’t be disappointed in what the genes have in store for him. I know I’m not."

"You’re such a flatterer and B.S. artist, but I gotta admit I’m a sucker for it. In the meantime, we’ve both got a busy day off to take care of personal stuff. Why don’t we have a quiet early dinner over here and give Mike a little time to chew over what we discussed yesterday."

"Deal. And if I’m a good boy, maybe I can camp out overnight with you again?"

"Of course. Thought you’d never ask."