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Jack Scribe| 01| 02| 03| 04| 05| 06| 07| 08| 09| 10| 11| Jack Scribe| |
Chapter 02 - Midnight Hospitality The drive home at this hour only took five minutes. Eric pulled up to the private entry road and slowly entered, checking behind to make sure that his Cherokee's 'little brother' counterpart was following. The two cars wound through the townhouse complex until they stopped in front of his unit. With a remote he opened the two-car garage and eased in, motioning Brian to follow. Brian turned off the engine. "Coming in this way really takes care of nosy neighbors." He slipped out of his seat and stood by the Wrangler. "Isn't the most glamorous way to enter my place," Eric said, walking over to his guest. "But it's private." He pulled Brian close and zeroed in with a proper, welcoming kiss. This time his tongue didn't hold back. Brian playfully twisted his tongue around Eric's. "Ummm," he groaned. Eric felt his knees getting weak and his body coming alive again at the close, intimate contact. He also felt Brian's crotch waking up while pressing against his leg. "Welcome to Casa Flynn. I didn't actually plan to attack you here in the garage. I thought I'd at least wait until we were in the kitchen." Brian laughed and Eric joined in. "I haven't felt this frisky for a long time. Where's the kitchen, hot stuff? I wanna experience an official Flynn welcome." "Follow me." Eric walked up one step and opened a nondescript door. They walked in and were immediately standing in a typical, large, condo kitchen from the 80's, illuminated only by a counter light. Functional and nothing more. "This is a big space for a single guy," Brian said. "You ever cook?" "Only what the microwave can handle. The last thing I want is to be cheffing after a busy night at El Rancho." "My sentiments exactly. Thank God for the frozen food section at Trader Joe's." Eric moved closer and offered Brian a brief, wet, tongue-less kiss before kissing around his face. He tenderly kissed his visitor's brow, cheeks and earlobes. "Is that all I get?" Brian asked with a fake pout. "How about a beer and a great view. If you don't mind, I really want this evening to last." Eric stared into his houseguest's eyes. This guy is definitely worth playing the evening activities out slowly. "Buddy, a beer and you are all I need." Eric retrieved two beers from the sturdy, old fridge. "Come with me then." He grabbed Brian's hand, walked through a formal dining room into the living room and turned on an 'up' spot that illuminated a plant. It was just enough light so they didn't trip over anything and quickly provided a nice romantic atmosphere. The two new friends arrived at the large, sliding glass doors and stopped. Outside, beyond the outside deck, the night view was breathtaking. The snaking lights - head and tail - of traffic on the I-5 created a moving, visual mosaic. Looking to the north and south they could see the twinkling panorama of beach communities, contrasted with the sudden blackness where the Pacific Ocean touched land. "This must be a fantastic view in the daylight?" Brian asked. "That's something I'm promising for tomorrow morning. Wanna sit down?" It was taking all his resolve not to physically attack this stud on the spot. Sounds like I might have a guest for the night. Eric was already thinking about the pleasure of waking up in a close cuddle. "As long as you're part of the package." "Like Velcro and I won't even play on the word 'package.' Wait for a sec," Eric added, "time for some instant atmosphere." He walked over to the hearth, turned on the gas and lit a fire. The blue and orange flames immediately danced over the simulated logs. "Cool. I gotta warn you that I like closeness," Brian added. Eric grabbed Brian's hand and they gently flopped down on a long, multi-sectioned couch that faced the flagstone fireplace, being careful not to spill any beer. Dancing light from the fire bounced off the two as yet clothed bodies. "Here's to the nice guy that I met tonight. Welcome to mi casa." They clinked their bottles together and each took a long pull. When Eric set his bottle on the coffee table, toed off the shoes and propped his stretched legs on the solid, glass top. Brian did the same. "Ahhh," Brian sighed. He scooted closer and rested his head on Eric's chest while his hand found its way to his host's thigh. "I'm glad I also met a nice guy tonight." Eric moved his arm onto Brian's shoulder and pulled him even closer. With his free hand, he grabbed a remote and turned on the FM tuner. Michael Bublé was softly singing: "You give your hand to me And anyone can tell "The song says 'you don't know me' but I'd like to change that," Eric said in almost a whisper. He shifted his body so that his lips were within striking distance for a kiss. As he moved in, he cautiously placed his free hand over Brian's sweater-covered chest. Each other's lips became engaged and Eric started massaging his friend's firm pecs. "Oh, fuck," mumbled Brian, just before Eric accomplished his lip lock. While their tongues reacquainted themselves, Brian slowly moved his hand up Eric's thigh until it landed on his warm, hard cock. "It's a pleasure to have you and contrary to urban legend, I don't do this that often." Eric smiled as he pulled back to visually scan his guest. I shoulda said 'have' you in several ways. "The pleasure's all mine, believe me." Brian's hand slowly traced the outline of his host's obvious erection. Eric shivered slightly at the touch and inspected Brian's almost flawless, handsome face. "Wanna lose the sweater? I think you'll be warm enough without it." "Is that the only thing I'm going to lose?" Brian threw back with a raised, mocking eyebrow. "I figure it isn't going to be your virginity." "That's something that I don't think either of us have to worry about," Brian answered. "For the record, I don't sleep around just to add another notch to my gun." "Buddy, ditto again. But I wouldn't mind checking out that gun," Eric said with a guttural chortle. "So? Take off your shirt and pants and I'll match you." Brian squeezed Eric's bulging crotch for emphasis. Slowly, he removed his black sweater to reveal a trim chest and torso with just a dusting of light brown chest hair. "I like," Eric said as he leaned down to kiss the nearest nipple. He then started unbuttoning his shirt while Brian stood to unbuckle and ease out of his khakis. Almost simultaneously they placed the shirt and pants in the same area of the floor. Wow, that trail looks like it really does lead to some treasure. He focused on the black, low-rise, briefs and the erection straining under the cotton material, anchored across Brian's left thigh. "Stand up and let me help you," Brian commanded with a smile. Eric stood and let Brian undo his belt, pant clasp and zipper. He was proud that his trim, swimmer's build projected a mature, manly image. But he never flaunted it. "Oh, shit, bro." He felt Brian's hands run down his legs when his pants were pulled down. Eric stepped out of the puddled material, revealing more conventional, white boxer briefs. They paused to pull off their socks for an initial mission accomplished. They eyed each other and smiled at the sight: two hot, horny males entering the prime of their lives. "Come here." Brian opened his arms and beckoned his host to join him. Eric eased in place for the expected embrace and kiss. He pulled back from the wet kiss and said in a seductive stage whisper, "Just for the record, I'm definitely looking forward to knowing you better . . . in oh so many ways." "I think we're both mature and single enough to know that this isn't just a quick trick…or whatever we're going to do." Brian looked into Eric's eyes and continued, "But I think that it's time we loose the 'U-trou'. My dick is strangling." That brought a laugh from both guys. "And I thought that it was just tears." Eric touched a wet spot on the material covering the tip of Brian's hard cock. "Looks like we're both having a crying jag then," Brian said, noticing the fresh stains on the white fabric of Eric's boxer briefs. He pulled down his black '2(x)ist' briefs and kicked them aside. Before Eric could move, Brian said, "Allow me." "Permission granted." Brian went down on his knees and brought his mouth over the tip of Eric's cotton-contained erection. After sucking for a moment, Brian gently pulled down the boxer briefs and was finally face-to-face with the real thing. "Yeah, take it . . . do it, big guy," Eric moaned. "At the very least." Brian lapped at Eric's plump glans before taking the hard, veined, seven inches before him. He smiled to himself when his nose reached Eric's trimmed pubic patch. Slowly he bobbed his head back and forth to produce an intended natural friction of skin touching skin. "Ohhh, ahhh," was all Eric could expel. After a few moments, Brian released Eric's cock and aimed for the hairless low-hangers. He started nibbling the scrotum as his finger found its way to the rough, inflated perineum. He started sucking Eric's balls, one at a time, as his finger ventured further to the wrinkly surface of the anal entrance. All Eric could do was massage Brian's scalp and shoulders. He felt sharp, pleasurable sensory jolts when the stray finger slowly entered his chute. "Hey, this is an equal opportunity house." Gently, he put his hands under Brian's warm, damp armpits and lifted to disengage the one-sided foreplay. "Sorry if I got a little carried away," Brian said, staring into Eric's glistening, blue eyes. "No apology, babe. I like your technique." Whoops, I used the 'B' word. He thought he saw Brian's smile expand just slightly at the word that usually indicated a growing fondness between gay men. "There's just so much to do . . . down there." Brian chuckled and sucked his finger. When it was offered to Eric, he eagerly took it into his mouth. "Ummm, I recognize the flavor." Eric winked and moved his hand down Brian's six-pack, through the trimmed manscape, passed over his cock, and started fondling Brian's large, soft, shaved, nut sac. "Feels like we go to the same barber?" "I like the trim but not hairless look," Brian replied. "Like minds again." Eric smiled as he pictured the straight guys at the gym who had discovered, probably from Internet porn sites, groin grooming. He thought of some of his macho, hetero friends, running around the locker room looking like a group of 11-year old boys. "I'm not into grizzlies," Brian said, "Although I'd never turn away sexy bear cubs like Penn Badgely or Zachary Quinto." "I'll second that. But getting back to our look, maybe we can shave each other's balls sometime? I've got a great walk-in shower." "Yeah, I like that thinking. However, we need to know each other better before I allow you to take a blade to me down there." Brian laughed and grinned with a friendly leer. "I always find a fireplace conducive to knowing a person better." Eric grabbed a throw blanket from the couch and tossed it over to the floor by the rustic, redwood mantle. "You game to find out more about me?" Eric moved his hand from Brian's crotch up to his waist. "Absolutely, and vice versa." They walked around the coffee table and Brian helped spread the cotton woven blanket over the carpet. He lay down on his side and watched over his shoulder as Eric joined him from behind. "Warm," Eric said, "but not toasty. You okay?" "I'm getting hot, and it's not from the fire. But enough about me . . . tell me more about yourself." Brian adjusted his body so that they were in the time-honored spooning cuddle. "Solana Beach native, only kid, grew up in this house, graduated from San Diego State and had a shitty marriage." Eric rolled out the bullet point statistics in verbal precision as he spooned up against Brian's back and buns. His dick, now dormant, parked against Brian's appealing ass crack. "Kids?" Brian asked. Eric moved his hand under Brian's arm and rested it on Brian's stomach. "One boy. My last stab at a straight life." Eric smiled at the non-intended pun. "But the mother moved far away and I haven't seen my son in eight years. How about you?" Eric said, letting his fingers absent-mindedly play with the handy trail of hair. "That was a shitty thing for her to do," Brian considered. "Okay, in your order, grew up in Colorado Springs, you met my only sibling, U. of Denver graduate, and came out to my family when I was 19. One lover during college but pretty dull since." "Okay, what else?" Eric moved his hand to Brian's bristled pubes and explored the base of his friend's cock. "My folks retired, moved to an inland retirement village not that far from here three years ago and I got their condo. They're supportive and hope I find the right person." Oh, shit, TMI. I really like this guy and don't want to scare him away. "Sounds like we both lucked out with great folks." "Absolutely. And they raised great sons." Eric replied. God, please say that he's not a child molester, bank robber or 'master' in search of a submissive slave. "I agree." Brian wiggled his ass closer to Eric. "When I get time off, I love to eat out at a place that has an adventuresome wine list, see a movie or check out the Padres when they play a mid-week home game." Eric's hand moved further along Brian's stiffening cock and started rubbing the pre-cum around the sensitive head. Gee, it's been a long time since I felt this tuned-in to someone. His penis, now fully awake, not-so-innocently burrowed into Brian's buns. "Yeah. And after the movie, come back to a warm fire and have a special person get me all hot and horny." Brian gently scooted around and adjusted so that he was now on his back looking at Eric. He flashed a smile, tweaked Eric's nipple with one hand and returned Eric's warm hand to his crotch. "Umm, I like." Eric scanned the horizontal, naked form. It doesn't get much better than this. "Just for the record, I'm into a guy who's tender, gentle and loving. I leave the rough stuff to others." "Message received . . . and I feel the same way." Eric saw opportunity knocking. It didn't take a rocket scientist - or a gay restaurant manager - to understand what to do next when lying next to a nude, handsome man with a great erection. Hmm, Plan A, going for his dick is too obvious. Ergo, Plan B. Eric rose to his knees and moved around. After spreading Brian's muscular legs, Eric moved in between them. He lowered his head to within centimeters of the red, flared cockhead and started blowing on it as his hand palmed Brian's balls. "Fuck. How did you know I love that?" Brian squirmed at the warm air blasting from Eric's mouth. "You're taking foreplay to a new level." "I told you that I was in no hurry and Jimmy Fallon doesn't have a great guest list tonight." Eric kissed the moistened head and teased it with his tongue. He then kissed the entire length of the cock before landing on the scrotum. Eric placed his hands under Brian's thighs and started a lifting motion. "Oh, man." Brian moaned as he raised his legs, grabbed his knees and rocked his body slightly upward to give his partner easy access to a man's most private area. "I trust you, Eric." "Let's trust each other." Eric moved a finger from Brian's nuts to his anus. It had been a while since he'd enjoyed fingering a man. But like they say about riding a bike. . .you never forget. He wetted his finger with saliva and started a massaging, stroking action around the wrinkled perimeter of Brian's pucker. He noticed the contented smile and closed eyes on his accomplice's face. This encouraged Eric to start a tentative probe. "You devil," Brian said with a laugh, his eyes still closed. "It's been a long time, but I'm literally and figuratively in your hands. "Go where you want to go. Permission granted." "Aye, aye, Sir." Continued stretching allowed Eric to insert a second finger as he slowly moved past the flexible, protective sphincter. As he extended past the second knuckle, Eric found the hard spot he sought. He teased Brian by grazing the 'nut'. There you are, my little friend. Eric felt Brian shiver with excitement and pleasure. "If you like that, check this out." "I like." Eric slowly withdrew his finger and eagerly replaced it with his moist, pointy-shaped tongue. He loved diving down on a well-groomed, musky man. I could get used to this . . . often. Damp strands of curled, short hair surrounded the pink and brown surface of the chute entry. "I . . . ohhh, you really . . . ah, jeez," Brian said, as the tongue took over. He raised and spread his legs further to give Eric more access. "Fuck me, babe. I want you in me." The 'B' word and the 'F' word - a magic combination. Eric took one final swipe in the tunnel before he withdrew, rose on his knees and said, "Let's go back to my bedroom where we can be more comfortable. I've got condoms and lube we can both use." Eric hoped that Brian picked up on the operative words 'we' and 'both'. He had every intention of fucking the shit out of his new friend. But he planned on a reciprocal arrangement. He leaned down and kissed Brian, purposely sharing his tongue. Brian greedily sucked on it with a smile. Pulling away, Brian said, "You lead the way, stud." Eric rose and said, "Give me your hand." With a vise-like grip, he pulled Brian to his feet. After turning off the fire, Eric led his new friend down a dimly lit hallway. They stopped half way, and Eric gestured for Brian to enter a bedroom that was obviously not the master. Brian looked around the room after he was led in. The nightstand lamp was enough illumination for him to identify a Phi Delt pledge paddle, class pictures and a few San Diego State beer mugs. "This is your old room, isn't it?" "Yeah. Like most everything else, I haven't done too much to the condo except to renovate the master last year." With focused intent, Eric continued. "There's only one thing I haven't done in this room and I've been saving that for someone special. You don't mind indulging in my teen fantasy?" He moved closer and tenderly clasped the sides of Brian's head. With their bodies melding as one, Eric planted a short, intimate kiss on Brian's eager lips. "I'm honored and accept." Brian duplicated the peck and added, "Let me go to the bathroom for a sec." Eric smiled and pointed to a closed door. "The new toothbrush is in the right hand drawer," he said, as he admired Brian's backside. "Will do. However, considering where our mouths have been already, I doubt a new toothbrush is necessary," Brian added with a chuckle as he turned on the bathroom light and closed the door. And I'm definitely planning on returning my mouth to those areas. Eric hastily prepared his old room. He found the candles stowed away for emergencies, placed them on the nightstand and lit the wicks. Before turning off the lamp, he positioned a bottle of lube, opened a couple of condoms and turned down the sturdy double bed. Eric's last touch was to turn on the speaker of the centrally wired stereo system. In the background Mariah Carey was singing: " . . . Loverboy come on and love me * * * Brian finished his bathroom duties, including a little tidying up around his chute. What a great, unexpected stroke of luck . . . that Steve wanted to check out El Rancho. He musta known that I'd want to check out the manager. Not to spoil the moment he turned off the bathroom light at the same time he opened the bathroom door. There was Eric, lying on the turned-down bed, expectantly watching him move forward. It wasn't lost on Brian that the only illumination was candlelight from strategically-placed votives. He also noticed the lube and condoms. "Hey," Eric said. Both dicks were at that semi- flaccid state just before the hormones and blood kick into overdrive. Wow. Brian drank in the shadowy combination of Eric's taut body, brilliant blue eyes, pale Irish skin and soft, black hair. He studied Eric's hard, flat stomach with the line of hair that started at the navel and continued downward to his trimmed pubes. Finally he focused on Eric's equipment. Just, fucking, wow. He moved over to the bed and accepted Eric's hand. Eric shifted onto his side as he beckoned Brian to the bed. "I want to warn you that I have every intention of granting your earlier wish." Eric's lecherous intonation was not lost on Brian. "Since I see your 'wand' getting hard, I figure that I must be talking to the fairy prince?" Brian replied with a chuckle. He lay down on his side and pressed close to Eric's warm body. He reached down and adjusted both of their growing cocks so that they pointed upward against each other's groin. Brian kept his hand on Eric's cock just long enough to stroke it a couple of times. "If I'm the fairy prince, you must be the frog?" Eric widened his eyes and licked his lips. "Ribbit, ribbit," Brian croaked. He vividly remembered yelling in the living room that he wanted to get fucked. "This frog is ready for you." "And my wand definitely wants to get to know you better." Eric leaned over and placed his lips on Brian's. His tongue easily entered Brian's mouth. As the tongues maneuvered for dominance, the kiss became more intense. Before Brian got totally lost in the sensations, the scenario of what was happening flashed through his mind: their initial meeting, getting to know each other, small talk, intellectual curiosity, adult foreplay, lustful desires and, now, preparing to make love. Yeah, this was definitely going to be making love. . . . He's all mine * * * "Amazing," Eric groaned. The men were sated with the culmination of their sexual desires. "It wasn't bad," Brian said with a wink. How do I tell him that this was the most awesome, emotional, orgasmic high of my young life? Why do I feel like I should hold that back? "Don't give me that. You loved every minute of it." "Yeah, it was pretty special." Brian sighed. "You hit some new spots and it felt wonderful." His mind-bending ejaculation had occurred without any stimulation to his dick at all. I don't even remember touching my dick. "We need clean sheets," Eric mumbled with a smile. He removed the spent rubber and tied a knot at the end. The spell was broken; that inevitable moment after an evening of ecstasy. "And a shower, too. Jeez, I really made a big mess." Brian looked at both bodies and chuckled. Eric joined him in the laughter. "About as much as I did. That was a fantastic experience. As you said, it was really special." "I bet you say that to all the guys?" Brian asked with playful indignation. "No, I mean it. I've never experienced this with anyone. It was beyond special." Eric leaned over and gave Brian a little love peck. "Um, me too. We need to talk about this." Brian was searching for a way to properly express his feelings. He was convinced that this was now his big head, not the smaller one, thinking. "Yeah, I agree, but first things first." Eric said, pointing to the bathroom. "Why don't you get your ass in there and start the shower?" "You mean my well-used ass. Okay, see you in a sec." Brian slowly got off the bed, turned to look at Eric, winked and walked away. "I'll get some new sheets, change the bed and join you," Eric called from behind. "Is your shower big enough for two?" Brian asked as a challenge as he thought of the standard bathtub-shower combination. "It's only been me and my ducky in the past," Eric replied with a laugh. "But somehow we'll manage . . . hot stuff." "Then get in here soon. This ducky needs to get cleaned up." Brian stopped first for a long overdue pee before turning on the shower. While the temperature of the water heated, he looked at his face in the mirror. Aside from the unruly bed head and the crustiness of drying semen on his chest, he noticed the glow of contentment on his face. What a change just five hours can make. It certainly beats pushing cheesecakes at The Joynt. Satisfied that the shower water was warm enough, he slid the tub's door panel back, stepped into the tub, closed the panel and enjoyed the first contact of pulsating bullets of moisture coming from the shower-head. Brian adjusted the setting on the head and aimed the water at his chest. What had been warm, erotic-fragranced evidence of his earlier sexual release had become a dry and crusty remnant. He closed his eyes and held his head under the water. While thinking about his host, Brian heard the door quietly slide back. "Wow, my ducky is all grown up," Eric said as he came up behind Brian. After closing the panel, he stood close and brought his hand around to Brian's chest. He started circular motions while moving even closer. Brian felt vulnerable and excited as Eric's warm fingers started playing with his chest hairs, areola and nipples. "Quack, quack, you beautiful man," Brian replied, as he backed his buns into Eric. "Um, as much as I'd like to play, I think that what I really need is to get clean and a little rest." He turned and looked into Eric's eyes…those beautiful Irish blue eyes. "Yeah, I'm good for the night," Eric replied with raised eyebrows and a smile. "Us old farts need to save something for morning sex. You're the one who said you like cream when you wake up." They both laughed at Eric's analogy. "I hardly think that 32 is an old fart," Brian replied. "You're only two years older than me. But if ya wanna wait, I'll respect that." "Believe me, it'll be worth it. Let's take a real shower and get some rest. Tomorrow morning I want to know all about this man who is stealing my heart." Eric looked deeper into Brian's eyes and gave him a light peck on the lips. "And I want to know more about you. There's something happening that I like," Brian said, before he returned the kiss. The two men proceeded to 'suds up', rinse, and dry each other. By the time they hit the bed, both were ready for some sleep. Eric pulled up the fresh top sheet for cover and rolled to his side, facing Brian. Brian got the message and moved to his side so Eric could ease into a spoon position; Eric's chest against Brian's back. "Night, love," Eric said softly. "Night," Yeah, love. Brian smiled when he felt his new friend's arm wrap around him. * * * Eric was in a deep sleep when he became aware of two things: an incredibly nice man lying next to him with whom he had shared an exquisite, intimate experience...and the telephone was ringing. He opened one eye and saw the digital clock reading 6:33 a.m. Fuck, who would be calling at this ungodly hour? "Mmmm," Brian audibly sighed as he rolled over on his back. The phone rang again. Eric, free of his bed companion, leaned over to check the caller I.D. number. '804.' Where the hell is that area code? On the fourth ring, it dawned on him that it was Richmond, Virginia. Must be my 'ex'? He reached over and grabbed the telephone receiver. "Hello?" "Hello. Is this Eric Michael Flynn?" "Yes, that's my full name. Who's this?" Eric was now fully awake and attentive. "This is Mrs. Tulliver from the Henrico County Child Protective Services in Richmond, Virginia. Sorry to be calling at such an early hour out there in California, but I'm urgently trying to track down the father of a 12 year old boy by the name of Mike Summers." "I . . . I'm the father of a 12 year old boy who was baptized Eric Michael Flynn, Junior. Summers is the maiden name of my ex-wife Brenda Summers. She must have changed the boy's name. . .but she cut off all communication several years ago and we haven't spoken since. But you must already know that or you wouldn't have had my phone number and name." "That's what we figured. And you're right; we need to talk to you about your son." |
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A Reservation for Three Chapter 02; © MMVI,MMXI,MMXII Jack Scribe;Contact Jack Scribe. (
This work fully protected under The United States Copyright Laws © 17 USC§§ 101, 102(a), 302(a). © MMI-MMXXIV CRVBOY. All Rights Reserved. All stories posted with permission. |
Last Modified: 01/28/2012 14:22:19 -